Sunday, August 28, 2011

how armor works

armor is wearable equipment that serves to absorb damage done in attacks.  each armor protects the user from certain amounts of hitpoints and from certain injuries..  armor types can be sorted under several subdivisions:

Location worn:
  1. head
  2. torso
  3. arms
  4. legs

durability: (how difficult it is to damage the armor)

  1. weak
  2. normal
  3. strong
  4. extra strong
  5. Impenetrable

damage protected against:

  1. fire
  2. projectile
    1. light bullet
    2. heavy bullet
    3. armor piercing
    4. shot gun
  3. energy
  4. electricity
  5. vacuum
  6. heat
  7. cold
  8. laser
  9. bludgeon
  10. shrapnel
  11. stab/cuts

protection: (hit points absorbed)

  1. low (1 - 5)
  2. medium (6 - 10)
  3. high (11 - 15)
  4. super high (16 - 20)
  5. Limitless (20 - ???)


  1. light (0 – 20 kg)
  2. heavy (21 – 50 kg)
  3. ponderous (51 - ??? kg)

as an example, lets look at a sample armor data card:

Syncorp Smartboy Flak Vest
Light bullet, Shot gun, Light shrapnel
5 kg
Damage resist:

This particular armor is worn on the torso. 
It is a light weight armor.
It will absorb 5 Hitpoints of damage from light bullets, shot gun blasts, and light shrapnel.  All other damage types will have full effect of damage. 
Its durability is “weak”

Let us talk about durability for a moment.  Durability is the abilty of the armor to resist getting damaged and having its resist lowered

Some weapons, particularly in the higher end of the damage charts will do armor damage as well as hp hits and injuries. 

For instance, lets look at this armor piercing rifle damage chart:

Hit points
Injuries/armor dmg
1 - 5

6 – 10

Bleeding wound
Weak armor dmg
Bleeding wound
Normal armor dmg

On a dmg roll of 11, thie weapon would apply damage to all weak class armor, on a roll of 12 it would apply damage to any normal and weak armor. 

Each time an armor is damaged it drops to the next lower level of functionality:

Armor damage level:

  1. perfect.
  2. damaged.
  3. ruined.
  4. destroyed.

Before the armor has ever been damaged, it is in “perfect” condition, and it works exactly as it says  on its data card. 

Once is gets hit with damage, it drops to “damaged” condition.  When “damaged”, its hit point resist is lowered to half its original value AND it does not protect against injuries. 

If it received another damage, its condition drops to “ruined”,  while “ruined” the armor no longer offers any protection whatsoever.  The armor can, however, be repaired later on if the means are avalible. 

If the armor is damaged once more, it drops to “destroyed” condition.  It can no longer be repaired and for all intents and purposes the armor no longer exists in the game. 

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