Monday, August 8, 2011



In each turn you are allotted 6 action points. 
These points can be spent to perform actions. 
Unused points DO-NOT roll over to the next turn

action points


Ø       Speaking
Ø       Observing (looking, listening, etc)
Ø       Drawing a weapon from holster


Simple Actions

usage limit:
3 per turn
Ø       Changing stance
Ø       Using a simple use item (health kit, drug, nanoinjector, etc)
Ø       Opening a door
Ø       Actuating a control (button, switch, etc)
Ø       Performing a simple ability



usage limit:

2 per turn

Ø       Walking
Ø       Running
Ø       Crawling
Ø       Jumping
Ø       Climbing




Complex Actions

usage limit:  1 per turn
usage limit:  1 per turn
Ø       Firing a weapon
Ø       Swinging a melee weapon
Ø       Hand-to-hand combat (Punching, kicking, etc )
Ø       Drawing a weapon from hard to reach place (backpack)
Ø       Using a complex use item (robot control device, detonator, etc)
Ø       Performing a complex ability

A typical turn would contain a movement, a simple action (such as changing stance) and a combat.

A turn could be modified as well, you could move twice (using 2 action points each time for a total of 4 actions points used) and then have enough points left over swap weapons (1 point) and change to a crouching stance (1 point)

Notice that this system precludes you from moving, performing a complex action (such as pulling a weapon from a hard to reach place or using an ability) and participating in combat all in one turn. 

Also notice each action type has a fixed max number of time you can do that level of action during a turn, regardless of how many points you have available.  No matter what, you can only perform ONE combat action per turn, or TWO movement actions per turn. 

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